Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gilles Kepel and Gulf money

French orientalist Gilles Kepel, who was for a long time the dean of Arab Studies in France, obtained a lot of UAE & Gulf financing in the past but suddenly lost it 3 years ago, which was one of the reasons that led to the marginalization of his Chair at Sciences Po.
Now that he has lost the financing, he suddenly found out that Gulf money was a "Satanic manna destroying Arab societies"
"pour comprendre le processus à l’œuvre, il faut connaître les déchirements intimes de ces sociétés en voie de modernisation, qui vivent aux rythmes des chaines satellitaires comme Al Jazeera et sont sous perfusion des pétro dollars du golfe, cette manne satanique qui détruit les sociétés arabes et aujourd’hui dévoie les aspirations fondatrices des révolutions." (thanks "Ibn Rushd")