Saturday, September 07, 2013

Saudi feud with Libyan and Syrian tyrants

Of course, primarily the Saudi government follows the dictates of the US but there are personal reasons (I should have said aspects) for Saudi feud with Qadhdhafi and with Bashshar (King `Abdullah was extremely close to Hafidh Al-Asad and he took Bashshar under his wing as soon as he took over after his daddy's death).  With Qadhdhafi, it was purely a misunderstanding.  In one Arab summit meeting less than a decade ago, Qadhdhafi was rambling on incoherently (which was his style of speaking) and referred to Saudi Arabia but not unfavorably.  The illiterate idiot of a King, `Abdullah, misunderstood the remarks and assumed that Qadhdhafi was attacking House of Saud. So he responded to him crudely and vulgarly on live TV and told him that he will face death and that he was put in place by Western foreign powers (no, Saudi kings and princes don't see irony even if it hit them in the face).  So Qadhdhafi tried to fight back with an amateurish assassination plot against the King.  And on developed the feud.  With Bashshar: it goes back to 2006 when Bashshar in the wake of the quiet support for the Israeli war of aggression exhibited by GCC countries, Bashshar described some Arab rulers as "half-men".  That was it for the Saudi King. He never forgave him for that.  Of course, there is an alternative scenario of the Saudi antipathy to Bashshar (and this scenario should be included because it is peddled and believed by Western governments and media): that the Saudi king is angry with Bashshar because he has not established democracy in Syria.