Sunday, February 23, 2014

Barrel Bombs and Western media

Of course, barrel bombs are despicable weapons that the lousy Syrian regime never dared use them against the Israeli occupiers of Syrian lands. But to read Western governments reactions to the barrel bombs is beyond what I can bear.  The hypocrites are faking outrage at barrel bombs? Really? US bombs over Iraq and Afghanistan (or over Lebanon in the 1980s) were more merciless than barrel bombs?  US bombs are far deadlier and far more devastating and far more destructive and can be as imprecise as barrel bombs.  Somebody will now say that the US use "smart bombs".  To that I will say that in the Iraq 1991 war, the US only dropped 10% of smart bombs out of the total thousands of bombs dropped over Iraq.  And some 90% of smart bombs are dumb bombs: they miss their targets.  Finally, in the Afghanistan war up until March 2002, 25 % of all bombs and rockets dropped by US over Afghanistan missed their targets. And you know the story of US drone bombings. So a plea to Western governments and their subservient media: please spare me your fake outrage.